The winner is Tasshaq

2021.03.28 @gbtami Announcements
Subjective report on 1st Dōbutsu Tournament

The 1st Dobutsu Tournament on Pychess is now completed!
Initially, 16 players signed up for the tournament, but for several reasons, some withdrew, so the two group round-robin ended up with 6-6 players. The field was strong including two titled players IM @Spinaltap, CM @alms, one Dan level Shogi player @Licetus, the former leaderboard #1 @abunickabhi and three time lichess chess960 shield winner @Tasshaq.

Group Matches

The tournament started with a Licetus - Tasshaq match in group A. Licetus convincingly won 5.5-3.5. These two players seemed to be the strongest there, but @CyberShredder tried to keep up with them. Finally he lost to Tasshaq 6-0 and was not able to qualify for semi finals.

In group B IM Spinaltap was the clear favorite. The question was who can gain the second spot. Surprisingly @Fynmorph was able to win against abunickabhi 6-3 and finally managed to overtake him by half a point in the overall standings. Spinaltap, as expected, lost just one point and made it to the semi-finals. Final Standings for the Group Matches, along with Crosstable and Pairings can be seen here

Semi Finals

In the first semifinal match, Licetus proved that strong Shogi skills count. He convincingly won against Fynmorph 6-1.

In the second semifinal match, we saw a huge surprise: IM Spinaltap lost to Tasshaq 3-6!

The Final

The day of the final arrived and we were all thrilled. Could Tasshaq take revenge on Licetus? And yes, he did! Licetus - Tasshaq 1.5-5.5

Huge thx to Tasshaq for organizing The 1st Dōbutsu Tournament on PyChess!